The Retro Hour Podcast is a weekly retro gaming and technology podcast from the UK, now into our 5th year of creating the show for you each week!
We want 2020 to be the year we take the show to the next level. We want to devote more time to the podcast, give you additional content such as a second regular show, exclusive videos, live events and articles, and we're here on Patreon because we need your help to do this.
Since the show started we have been reliant on a studio we can use part time, but this has big limitations. It often causes big issues and delays with guest recording, and the future of the studio is not guaranteed.
We'd like to solve this by setting up our own studio to enable us to work on the show much more and bring you an even better show. We have paid for all the equipment, we just need to raise a small monthly amount to pay for the rental of a suitable space.
We want to continue making The Retro Hour the best show we possibly can, plus there'll be nice perks and extras as we can devote more time to the show.

If you'd like to help us in our studio build goal, please click here to support us on Patreon by making a small donation each month.
Thanks so much for your support!
Dan, Ravi & Joe.